Announcement of Tender for Consultancy Service for Preparation of Financial-Administrative Documentation for Establishment of Vashlovani Biosphere Reserve

Announcement of Tender for Consultancy Service for Preparation of Financial-Administrative Documentation for Establishment of Vashlovani Biosphere Reserve in Kakheti Region of Georgia under EU financed Project


Closing Date for Submission of Tenders: 24 July, 2019 

Publication Reference: 021RECC/G/EU-2019-SRV-03-5223


The Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus) in partnership with Dedoplistskaro Municipality (Georgia) is involved in implementation of EU financed Project on Establishment of Vashlovani Biosphere Reserve in Kakheti Region as a Model for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth. The Project start day is February 1, 2019 and planned end day January 31, 2021.

REC Caucasus is seeking for procurement of service contract for preparation of financial-administrative documentation for establishment of Biosphere Reserve (5-year budget, 5-year business plan and 1st year operational plan).



Overall objective of the project is to improve living conditions and quality of life of local communities in Kakheti region due to inclusive and sustainable growth and sustainable management of natural resources at local level.

The specific objective of the project is establishment of Vashlovani Biosphere Reserve in Kakheti region (through formal submission for international designation of Vashlovani Biosphere Reserve  by UNESCO for its further inclusion into the World Network of Biosphere Reserves) as model for inclusive and sustainable growth at local level with increased role and participation of local authority in multilevel governance and cross-scale coordination between national, regional and local levels for sustainable management of planned Biosphere Reserve’s common-pool natural resources.


Assignment is envisaged to be carried out during September, 2019 and February, 2020.


Selected applicants will be invited to the tender.  Evaluation will be made in accordance with the quality- cost based selection method.


Interested candidates should submit (via e-mail or post and with indication of call ref. number in subject line) the following application document:
Scanned version of a signed cover letter of stating an expression of interest with a possible starting date for the entire duration of the contract to:


Kety Jibladze

Project Technical Assistant

13, Badri Shoshitaishvili Street
(former Dimitri Arakishvili 1st Dead-End)
0179 Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel: + (995 32) 2-25-07-75




Expression of Interest (EoI) is an alternative to writing a fully-fledged selection-criteria response. The EoI might be with a maximum length such as 2-3 pages. Attachment of CV is not required. The EoI will outline what the person is to do and the experience and skills needed to carry out the role.

The EoI can be set out in a number of ways, including:

• A series of paragraphs covering current role, interest in the new role, examples from experience that are relevant to the skills and duties of the service/job, relevant qualifications.
• A series of headings, based on key skills or roles, with supporting examples.

Whichever way is chosen to set out information in the EoI, the aim is to make a convincing case that is easily judged by the reader to mean that applicants are readily able to move into this role, will be productive quickly, bring to it something useful, will deliver outcomes.

For additional questions applicants could contact:


The deadline for submission of Expression of Interest (EoI): 24 July, 2019, 18:00 Central European Time (CET).