Call for Expression of Interest for Technical Assistance in International Trade of Low Carbon (Electric) Transport and Infrastructure under the GEF financed Project
Closing Date for Submission of Expression of Interest: December 20, 2023.
Call reference number: 046/RECC/G/GEF-1201-06-a
Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus) is involved in implementation of UNEP leaded and GEF financed Project “Low Carbon Solutions through Nature Based Urban Development for Kutaisi City” (GEF Project ID: 10643).
REC Caucasus is seeking for procurement of service contract to be concluded with National Expert to provide expert advice and guidance within a framework of the Project and therefore announces the present Call for Expression of Interest for Technical Assistance in International Trade of Low Carbon (Electric) Transport and Infrastructure.
Detailed information on the Project is available from the GEF official web-page:
Main task of the assignment is to provide REC Caucasus with technical assistance in purchasing low carbon (electric) buses for Kutaisi City transport infrastructure through international tender process that will include selection of relevant tender procedure, preparation of tender dossier with description of technical specifications, warranty conditions and draft contract, assistance in evaluation of bids, if appropriate in negotiations with tenderers, and overseeing implementation of formal requirements for acceptance of the delivery of low carbon (electric) buses to Georgia.
Interested candidates should submit (via e-mail and with indication of call ref. number in subject line) the following application document:
Scanned version of a signed cover letter of stating an expression of interest to:
Ms. Sophiko Akhobadze
Executive Director, REC Caucasus
48/50 Mtskheta Street, 0179 Tbilisi, Georgia
with cc to:
Ms. Nino Rostomashvili
Project Assistant, REC Caucasus
48/50 Mtskheta Street, 0179 Tbilisi, Georgia
Expression of Interest (EoI) is an alternative to writing a fully-fledged selection-criteria response. The EoI might be with a maximum length such as 1-2 pages. Attachment of CV is not required. The EoI will outline what the person is to do and the experience and skills needed to carry out the role.
The EoI can be set out in free format in a number of ways, including:
• A series of paragraphs covering current role, interest in the new role, examples from experience that are relevant to the skills and duties of the service/job, relevant qualifications.
• A series of headings, based on key skills or roles, with supporting examples.
Whichever way is chosen to set out information in the EoI, the aim is to make a convincing case that is easily judged by the reader to mean that applicants are readily able to move into this role, will be productive quickly, bring to it something useful, will deliver outcomes.
Selected shortlisted applicants will be invited to the single tender for negotiations and asked for technical and financial offers.
Shortlisted applicants will be provided with Terms of Reference and Application form for technical and financial offers.
Final selection will be made in accordance with the quality- cost based selection method.