Vacancy for the position of Trainer

The Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus) announces a vacancy for the position of Trainer,

within the GEF funded project # 5825

 Applying Landscape and Sustainable Land Management (L-SLM) for mitigating land degradation and contributing to poverty reduction in rural areas


REC Caucasus is a non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) legal person – an independent, not-for-profit organization with international character based in Tbilisi, Georgia. The mission of REC Caucasus is to assist the Caucasus states in solving environmental problems and support in building the civil society through promotion of public participation in the decision-making process, development of free exchange of information and encouragement of cooperation at national and regional level among NGOs, governments, businesses, local communities and all other stakeholders.

Overall objective of the project is to support integration of good Landscape and Sustainable Land Management (L-SLM) principles and practices into national policy and institutional framework to ensure adoption of economically viable practices by rural communities.

The project aims to implement the pilot projects on SLM practices in Dedoplistskaro, Akhmeta, Gardabani and Signagi municipalities. Applying crop rotation system at Shiraki valley, particularly in Dedoplistskaro Municipality is one of the pilot projects. For implementation of the pilot project, REC Caucasus announces vacancy for agronomist. The assignment  of agronomist is given in the attached file.

Other important details: Interested applicants should submit a current CV to the following e-mail address: with copy to Project manager:  or submit hard copy application package to the following address: 13, Badri Shoshitaishvli Street, David Arakishvili 1st Dead-end, 0179 Tbilisi, Georgia


Deadline for application is 19 March, 2018. Only shortlisted candidates will be interviewed.

TOR for the position is attached.





Project Title: Applying Landscape and Sustainable Land Management (SLM) for mitigating land degradation and contributing to poverty reduction in rural areas.

Executing Organisation:


Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus)


implementing Agency:


United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)


Organisational Unit:


Sustainable Management of Natural Resources


Post Title:




Contract type:


Service Agreement


Starting Date:


April 3, 2018


Ending date:


June 14, 2018


Duty Station:


Tbilisi, Georgia








The lack of efficient land management policies, a weak regulatory framework, limited access to appropriate information and technology, a weak institutional capacities and a lack of cooperation between various stakeholders along with high rate of natural disasters are causing significant problems in land management sector and for overall ecosystem integrity.


Therefore, from the management point of view, one of the major problems Georgia is facing today is an absence of comprehensive and integrated approach in land management sector. In addition, an irrelevant legal framework sometimes is the source of additional “conflicts” with the evolved national strategic and policy packages.


Although Georgia has shown clear drive to combat land degradation and improve land management system by moving forward with the establishment of a strong baseline, this includes accession and implementation of most pertinent international agreements, adoption of several related policies and laws (NEAP, NAPCD, etc.)


The above mentioned factors underlines the importance of the review of the country’s existing policy and regulatory framework related to the management of land resources, that will serve as upmost important components to overcome existing barriers to mainstream L-SLM activities. National plans and policies do not reflect holistic land management principles and practices.


There is a failure of national and rural decision-making frameworks to provide adequate legal parameters and tools to support SLM. Current policies result in disparate organizations responsible for various land management sectors making unilateral decisions that lead to uncoordinated approaches. Consequently, “on the ground” management decisions made by responsible communities and resource users do not benefit from the guidance of coordinated, national strategies.


Capacity and information pathways do not exist to provide rural community members with examples of alternative, sustainable methods of resource use. Remote communities and resource users now responsible for many land management issues do not have satisfactory access to the information and tools necessary for informed decision-making. As a result, community land use plans and other decision-making tools intended to address land degradation fail to reflect L-SLM principles and practices.


The overall objective of the project is to support integration of good Landscape and Sustainable Land management (SLM) principles and practices into national policy and institutional framework to ensure adoption of economically viable practices by rural communities.


Specific Objective of Project is to help increase the momentum and efficacious of introduction of Good Landscape and Sustainable Land management (SLM) principles and practices into national policy and institutional framework, through providing necessary technical assistant in accordance with the requirements of the project.





The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development puts a strong emphasis on the integrated approach to achieving land-related targets and indicators under SDGs 1, 2, 5, 11 and 15,  that can harness synergies and minimize potential trade-offs. Land can play an important part in accelerating the achievement of many SDGs. Maintaining and restoring land resources can play a vital role in tackling climate change, securing biodiversity and maintaining crucial ecosystem services, while ensuring shared prosperity and well-being. Healthy and productive land can play an unparalleled role as an engine of economic growth and a source of livelihood for billions worldwide, including the most vulnerable populations. Achieving land degradation neutrality (LDN) can become an accelerator of achieving SDGs across the board. Below are some of the global goals for sustainable development, which can be achieved by investing in the future of the land.


The decision-makers and local farmers, as well as other stakeholders do not have good understanding of land related SDGs in the pilot municipalities (Akhmeta, Dedoplistskaro, Gardabani, Sighnaghi). There is no capacity for professional training or qualifications this field. There are also no manuals to support the achieving of SDG 15.3. There is lack of capacity of local government to develop land use plans which will support the optimal use of existing land resources and mitigate the land degradation process, therefore contributing to SDGs achievement at the local level. From the above-mentioned, it is clear that there is need to enhance local capacity for dealing with land degradation and addressing desertification. Conducting LDN trainings is an important step in the implementation of the project and should take place in all the pilot municipalities of the project area. To ensure sustainability of the activity, it has to be embedded into the respective environmental context of the municipality.





Purpose of the job


The training is designed to build the capacity of local authorities, decision makers and local farmers about how to implement the SDG goals, with a special focus on SDG 15.3 in relation to land related issues at the local and regional scale in ways that are carefully adapted to the bio-cultural uniqueness of each location. This question-centered training is designed to engage local communities in a process that will turn what might be perceived as top-down goals of the United Nations into this project that are locally relevant and collaboratively implemented by the communities themselves.


The trainer has responsibility for developing training packages on SDGs, with a special focus on SDG 15.3 in relation with land-related issues and conducting trainings at 4 municipalities with the objective of awareness raising on achieving the implement of the SDG goals.


Key End-Results


Trainer is responsible for:


  • Development of education modules and training packages on SDGs, as well as knowledge materials on best available practices on LDN for the local authorities, CBOs and other stakeholders, in the four pilot municipalities (Akhmeta, Dedoplistskaro, Gardabani, Sighnaghi);
  • Conduct 4 sessions of trainings for local authorities, CBOs and other stakeholders in the four pilot municipalities (Akhmeta, Dedoplistskaro, Gardabani, Sighnaghi);
  • Develop a detailed evaluation of the modules by the participants;
  • Develop training  report with recommendations for further learning activities.




The Trainer activities shall deliver the Specified Service in accordance with the following timetable (the “Specified Timetable”), the deliverables must be provided in Georgian:


N Date Deliverable
1. 12.04.2018 Education modules and training packages on SDGs, as well as knowledge materials on best available practices on LDN for the local authorities and CBOs in the four pilot municipalities (Akhmeta, Dedoplistskaro, Gardabani, Sighnaghi)
2. 26.04.2018 Training report in Dedoplistskaro
3. 10.05.2018 Training report in Akhmeta
4. 24.05.2018 Training report in Gardabani
5. 07.06.2018 Training report in Sighnaghi







In consideration for the provision of the Specified Service, the amount will be paid in the following amounts and on the following dates:


Payment Schedule


Amount To be invoiced on
1000.00 USD Development of education modules and training packages on SDGs, as well as knowledge materials on best available practices on LDN for the local authorities and CBOs in the four pilot municipalities (Akhmeta, Dedoplistskaro, Gardabani, Sighnaghi)
875.00 USD Training report in Dedoplistskaro
875.00 USD Training report in Akhmeta
875.00 USD Training report in Gardabani
875.00 USD Training report in Sighnaghi







Advanced university degree in environment and natural resources management or related field.

At least 10 years of demonstrated professional experience in the field of natural resource management.







Competency Profile


i) Core Values


  • Commitment
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Integrity


ii) Core Competencies


  • Communication
  • Working with People
  • Drive for Results


iii) Functional Competencies


  • Leading and Supervising
  • Formulating Strategies and Concepts
  • Relating and Networking
  • Persuading and Influencing
  • Applying Technical Expertise
  • Entrepreneurial Thinking




  • The payment will be done after providing all deliverables as described in the payment schedule and approval of them by project director.


In addition to the salary the expert will be paid a per diem, according to REC Caucasus and project established rates and procedures, to cover the cost of accommodation, meals and transportation during the field trips. Payment of per diems and reimbursement of expenses will be made only, if the travel has been approved by REC Caucasus. Payment will be made upon submission of an invoice supported by receipts.





Sophiko Akhobadze


Nino Chikovani

Director Trainer