Cleaner Production in 7 points:

  1. CP adds value to the Environmental Management System: it places emphasis on pollution prevention rather than control, with clear improvement in environmental performance.
  1. CP does not deny or impede growth but insists that growth can be ecologically sustainable.
  1. CP is not limited only to manufacturing industries of a certain type or size, it can be applied towards the provision of services also.
  1. CP includes safety and protection of health.
  1. CP emphasizes risk reduction.
  1. CP improves immediate efficiency as well as long-term efficacy.
  1. CP is Win-Win-Win factor: it benefits the environment, communities and businesses.

Implementing cleaner production can be as straightforward as adopting better housekeeping practices, or it may involve more complex measures associated with processes and products. The more sophisticated options may include switching to renewable energy sources, increasing material efficiency, and re-using and recycling by-products. The product itself can be designed to reduce consumption of resources, to prolong its useful life, and to allow disassembly and recycling of its component parts.

Cleaner production requires a new way of thinking about processes and products, and about how they can be made less harmful to humans and the environment. For successful implementation, the concept must be effectively communicated within the organization. Employees at all levels, including senior management, should be actively involved.

The following guidelines can be used to implement a cleaner production approach:

  1. Identify the hazardous substance to be phased out, on the basis of the precautionary principle;
  1. Undertake a chemical/material flow analysis;
  1. Establish a time schedule for the phase-out of the hazardous substance in the production process, as well as its accompanying waste management technology;
  1. Implement and further develop cleaner production processes and products;
  1. Provide training and technical and financial support;
  1. Actively disseminate information to the public and ensure their participation in decision-making;
  1. Facilitate substance phase-out with regulatory and economic incentives;
  1. Facilitate the transition to cleaner production with social planning, involving workers and communities affected.

The cost of complying with environmental legislation can be significantly reduced by companies that adopt cleaner production techniques. The latter are often more cost-effective than control technologies. The costs of dealing with wastes are reduced, and there is potential for new markets to be discovered through innovations or the sale of by-products.

Cleaner production can reduce environmental risks and liabilities and lead to greater competitiveness. By demonstrating a commitment to cleaner production, companies can also improve their public image and gain the confidence of consumers.

As per UNIDO, CP can only be sustained in a country if adequate capacity exists to promote it. A core of professionals in the beneficiary country is essential to adjust CP to local conditions.

With the aim to build capacity the Manual on the Development of Cleaner Production Policies – Approached and Instruments for the development of CP Policies is designed (, 2002)

Content and objectives.

  • Introducing CP
  • Basics of a national CP policy
  • CP Policy development cycle
  • CP policy tools and instruments
  • Recent trends in CP policy


South Caucasus countries do not have CP policies.

UNIDO and UNEP Joint Programme on establishment of National Cleaner Production Centres / Programmes (NCPCs / NCPPs):

Programme Strategy for the Joint UNIDO-UNEP Programme on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP):