Capacity building for Sustainable forest management for a greener economies in Georgia

Capacity building for Sustainable forest management for a greener economies in Georgia

REC Caucasus has successfully concluded the “Capacity building for Sustainable forest management for a greener economies in Georgia” project, which was achieved through cooperation with United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The project started in 2013 and lasted for 2 years.

Within the frame of this project, the National action plan for the Georgian forest sector in a green economy was formed as well as a set of goals with the intent to strengthen the contribution of the Georgian forest sector in green economy.

To raise the awareness on the project among the public, a video clip was produced a video clip and publications detailed information can be found at:

Action plan was also published, in which the extent of the activities done in the project were discussed at length:

A three day national workshop, that touched on the following subjects:

– Sustainable forest management and principals of a green economy, and the similarities between them;

– Involvement Skills of interested parties and methods of planning forest policies;

– Gathering and managing forest related data;

– Generating bioenergy from timber.

Instructional seminars, organized in tandem with the project.

Caucasus regional workshop, which was attended by representatives of 7 countries from central Asia and South Caucasus.
