EU supports the updating of the Waste Management Strategy and National Action Plan

EU supports the updating of the Waste Management Strategy and National Action Plan

EU supports the updating of the Waste Management Strategy for 2016-2030 and development of National Action plan for 2022-2026 of Georgia

On November 30th, the stakeholder validation workshop was kicked off in Tsinandali, within the EU4 Environment Programme funded project „Updating the Waste Management Strategy for 2016-2030 and develop National Action plan for 2022-2026“, implemented by UNEP. REC Caucasus is assisting UNEP in the development of the National Waste Management Strategy (2016-2030) and Action Plan (2022-2026) with a participatory manner, employing the “leave no one behind” principle, to enact inclusive, far-sighted and progressive policy development in line with SDGs and 2030 Agenda.

Representatives from different ministries, private sector, civil society, various organizations and international partners were in attendance at the metting, totaling 25 participants.

“The Action Plan aims at the development of Georgian waste management system to be in harmony with the EU waste management policy. The document represents country’s main strategic document in the field of the waste management, which defines the long-term strategic priorities of the sector and a specific action plan for the five-year period of 2022-2026” stated Alverd Chakseliani, Head of Waste and Chemicals Management department of the Ministry of Envirmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia.

“The programme supports the eastern partnership countries to preserve their natural capital and increase people’s environmental well-being. [UNEP] is honored to assist Georgia in developing the country’s Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan for the coming years” said Ms. Rie Tsutsumi, the Europe Office Regional Coordinator, Resource Efficiency, UNEP.

The workshop was held in order to foster discussion and participatory approach during the process of amending the draft National Waste Management Action Plan (2022-2026). The participants were encouraged to reach an agreement regarding the further steps for the developement of the new National Waste Action Plan, through the working group sessions spanning three days.

The validation workshop was organized with in-person attendance in mind, although the stakeholders could opt for a virtual connection, via Zoom. The workshop focused on working group sessions, allowing the stakeholders to engage in discussions regarding the new targets of Waste Management Action Plan 2022-2026. Working group sessions were divided into four phases and the results were reflected in two drafts of the Waste Management Action Plan 2022-2026, with each group utilizing the experience of its members in different areas of policy planning and implementation.
About EU4Environment

The “European Union for Environment” (EU4Environment) aims to help the six partner countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine preserve their natural capital and increase people’s environmental well-being, by supporting environment-related action, demonstrating and unlocking opportunities for greener growth, and setting mechanisms to better manage environmental risks and impacts.
The EU4Environment Action is funded by the European Union and implemented by five Partner organisations: OECD, UNECE, UNEP, UNIDO and the World Bank, with the implementation period of 2019-2022.
