First Field visits within Agro-biodiversity Project

First Field visits within Agro-biodiversity Project

On October 19, 2011 REC Caucasus Armenia team and project experts have conducted first field visits within the EU funded project “Identification and implementation of adaptation response to Climate Change impact for Conservation and Sustainable use of agro-biodiversity in arid and semi-arid ecosystems of South Caucasus”.

The aim of the field visits was to get familiar with the pre-selected areas, conduct filed inventories, meet with relevant state authorities in target areas and discuss development of vulnerability profiles for agro-biodiversity resources in priority areas of the most vulnerable arid and semi-arid ecosystems in the respective administrative areas of target regions.

During the field visits targeting two regions: Ararat and Vayots Dzor regions, several field meetings have been held with the Head of Agricultural and Environmental department of Ararat marzpetaran, Deputy Marzpet of Vayots Dzor marzpetaran, and Heads of Agricultural departments, chief specialists and other relevant representatives of Agricultural departments in the target regions. In the meetings, project main goals, strategy, activities planned and implemented within the project have been outlined by agro-biodiversity project National Team Leader Ms. Dshkhuhi Sahakyan. While presenting, various questions on the selection process of vulnerable arid and semi-arid areas, inventory of arid and semi-arid areas, elaboration of vulnerability profiles for agro-biodiversity resources, development of methodology and introduction of public monitoring system for assessing climate change impact on ecosystem have also been raised and discussed by the meeting participants.

In regard with the issues raised, project experts have provided detailed explanation on the priorities and criteria for selection of target regions. After active discussions, following pilot areas, the most relevant to the criteria of United Nations Convention on Bio-Diversity (UNCBD), have been pre-noted and agreed in both regions: Paruyr Sevak, Zangakatun, Lusashogh communities in Ararat region and Areni, Khachik, Chiva and Yelpin communities in Vayots Dzor region.
