On June 17, 2018, World Day to Combat Desertification was celebrated in Georgia by focusing on most important point on sustainable land management as a way to regenerate economies, create jobs and revitalize communities. Under the slogan “Land has true value – Invest in it,” WDCD2018 was called all involved – producers, consumers and policy makers – to make a difference by investing in the future of land. This year’s celebrations saw a whole host of activities in Dedoplistkaro to draw attention to the central role to innovative biological processes and principles to provide goods and services across all economic sectors.
As part of action to Combat Desertification, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia together with the representatives of Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure, Dedoplistskaro Municipality City Hall – as the host of the occasion, local farmers, National and local media representatives, Students and schoolchildren, as well as national and local SCOs organized joint tree planting and watering in developing windbreaks area.
The World Day to Combat Desertification is a unique occasion to remind everybody that desertification can be effectively tackled, that solutions are possible, and that key tools to this aim lay in strengthened community participation and co-operation at all levels. The windbreak rehabilitation pictures exhibition and competition in painting focusing the above mentioned topic was the good practical example to emphasize the value of the land for agricultural development and showing its input in country’s economy.
The event was organized with the support of Regional Environmental for the Caucasus (RECC) and Environmental Information and Education Centre (EIEC) in the frame of Global Environment Facility (GEF) project “Applying Landscape and Sustainable Land Management (L-SLM) for mitigating land degradation and contributing to poverty reduction in rural areas” implemented by United Nations Environment (UN Environment).