On April 5-7, a capacity-building workshop gathered Producer Responsibility Organisations (PROs), national and international professionals from the waste management sector as well as representatives of local government and municipalities to discuss the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes, PRO internal policies and procedures and the development and update for operations plans and business plans. Inspirational examples from Belgium and Netherlands were presented as they are shaping the waste management sector in Georgia while reducing its environmental impact.
The workshop brought together representatives from the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, Batumi City Hall, “Adjara Waste Management Company” and “Sandasuftaveba”. Attendees also included the following PROs at whom the workshop was primarily aimed: “Geoprofessional Business Association for Extended Producer Responsibility”; “Waste Management Business Association”; “Tegeta Green Planet”.
Speakers at the event included the project team leader Doug Hickman and project experts Nikola Doychinov, Wim Van Bruesgem and Kees Wielenga. Within the scope of the event, attendees were able to visit EPR materials handling facilities in Batumi and Poti and discuss their experience in the EPR program and waste treatment practices.
The workshop was organised under the framework of the project entitled “Support to Waste Management and Development of Circular Economy in Georgia”. The project aims to promote waste prevention and minimisation concepts (sorting/recycling/reuse of wastes) to improve waste management practices and support the introduction of a “Green/Circular Economy” in the society and economic activity of Georgia.
Financed by the European Union, the project is initiated by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture (MEPA) of Georgia and is implemented by the consortium of COWI (leading organisation) and the Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (national partner).
Media contacts:
Salome Mamasakhlisi, REC Caucasus, +995598886567, salome.mamasakhlisi@rec-caucasus.org