Georgia’s Integrated Transparency Framework for Implementation of the Paris Agreement (CBIT)

Georgia’s Integrated Transparency Framework for Implementation of the Paris Agreement (CBIT)

Today, on December 26, 2018 around 70 participants gathered to agree on activities, outcome and output level results to be achieved in the frame of upcoming GEF funded project “Georgia’s Integrated Transparency Framework for Implementation of the Paris Agreement (CBIT)”. The project is initiated by the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture (MEPA) and implemented by UN Environment, REC Caucasus is executing agency of the project.

Opening the meeting, Ms. Nino Tkhilava, GEF operational Focal Point and Mr. Kakhaber Mdivani, Acting head of Climate Change division, reflected GEF recent Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency activities, progress made on the 24th Conference of Parties, as well as the challenges ahead of Nationally Determined Contribution in Georgia.

Towards operationalizing the Paris Agreement’s provisions, Georgia committed to establish Integrated Transparency Framework, embracing increased action to deal with the impacts of climate change in a facilitative way, with multilateral consideration of progress and increased and transparent support in the form of finance, technology cooperation and capacity-building.

As part of stakeholders dialogue on the project proposal “Georgia’s Integrated Transparency Framework for Implementation of the Paris Agreement (CBIT)” representatives of line Ministries, 23 Municipalities, signatures of Covenant of Mayors and Civil Society Organizations have been grappling with how to achieve enhanced transference framework envisaged by the project and reflect the contributions and responsibilities related to the development of Nationally Determined Contributions in Georgia in the implementation of foreseen project activities.

The stakeholders critically assessed the outcome and output level results of “Georgia’s Integrated Transparency Framework” presented by project team, providing feedback and recommendations and valuable viewpoints on local level interventions, where different expertise perspectives are necessary in order to ensure a successful implementation of the Enhanced Transference Framework of Paris Agreement and respective project activities.
