Inception Workshop for the Development of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RiA) of the Draft Law on Windbreaks

Inception Workshop for the Development of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RiA) of the Draft Law on Windbreaks

On October 4, 2018, in Tbilisi, at “IOTA” Hotel, The Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (RECC) organized Inception Workshop for the development of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) of the draft Law on Windbreaks.

The workshop was held in the framework of GEF/IFAD funded project: “The Agriculture Modernization, Market Access and Resilience (AMMAR), which aims to raise incomes of smallholder farmers and increase climate resilience through public and private investments in upgrading climate-proof productive infrastructure, enterprises and smallholder farmer production systems and technologies in support of inclusive growth of climate smart agricultural value chains.

Elaboration of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) will be supported by GIZ programs IBiS/ Agenda 2030, with a specific focus on mainstreaming SDGs in and ensuring participatory process of RIA.

The main objectives of the workshop were the introduction of objectives and goals for elaboration of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) of the Draft Law on Windbreaks, to present the methodology of Regulatory Impact Assessment of the Draft Law on Windbreaks and gather feedback from stakeholders for improving methodology.

The workshop was attended by the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture – Mr. Nodar Kereselidze, the representatives of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture, First Deputy Chairman of the Environmental and Natural Resources Committee – Mr. Zaza Khutsishvili, the members of the Agrarian Issues and Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Committee of the Parliament of Georgia, the representatives of “The Agriculture Modernization, Market Access and Resilience (AMMAR)” project, Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) group leaders and experts, CSO’s, as well as the representatives of international organizations and stakeholders.
