Today, on May 27, in the Kutaisi Municipal building, REC Caucasus organized a work seminar together with the Kutaisi Municipality Architecture Department. The aim of trainings is to improve the knowledge of local and regional authorities, NGOs, urbanists and architects in land use planning as bases of good governance and sustainable local development, contribute to the development of technical skills of stakeholders in urban planning. This is being done within the frame of the project DETLUP” – “Development through Landuse Planning”.
Almost all municipalities took part in the seminar and the discussion.
The presenters at the seminar were Slovakian and Czech specialists, who presented their vision and shared their experience in urban planning.
The seminar was attended by: Representatives of architecture, construction and supervision services from Kutaisi, Khoni, Tkibuli, Vani, Zestafoni, Kharagauli, Terjola, Sachkhere, Tskaltubo municipalities; Representatives from Chiatura Municipality spatial structure and supervision, architecture and construction Service, Zestafoni Municipality Economy and Property Management Service, Baghdad Municipality administration economic and infrastructure planning service.