LAND USE PLANNING: Good bases and incentive for successful economic and social development

LAND USE PLANNING: Good bases and incentive for successful economic and social development

REC Caucasus starts organizing the trainings for architects, urban planners, and local administrations on land use planning. This will be the good bases and incentive for successful economic and social development. The aim of trainings is to improve the knowledge of local and regional authorities, NGOs, urbanists and architects in land use planning as bases of good governance and sustainable local development, contribute to the development of technical skills of stakeholders in urban planning.

DETLUP Project “Development through land use planning” that aims to improve knowledge of representatives of local and regional government, NGOs and regional planners about good land use plan for successful economic and social development has started its operation in September 2015.

The project is supported by International Visegrad Fund. REC C is the partner organization in Georgia to support implementation of the project in Georgia. The aim of the project is to gain the experience of other countries to develop good land use planning in project partner countries. It aims to involve communities to decision-making process, and therefore, to cause a feeling of belonging to the town/city or village development process.

The project partners agreed about the approaches of how to work, in particular, the perspective plan and action plan for the next six months. The project partners prepared the information of the status of spatial planning in their countries, including the system in place and legislation in effect, problems and prospects, best approaches in planning and practical examples.

Trainings are an important element of the project. They will take place in various cities of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia.
