February 20, 2017

Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) Europe and Eurasia Platform

Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) Europe and Eurasia Platform

Countries throughout the world are seeking to achieve economic growth and development in ways that reduce the causes and effects of climate change, through so-called low-emission development strategies (LEDS). As part of the LEDS Global Partnership, the Europe and Eurasia Platform (LEDS EEP) focuses on Eastern Europe, including EU member states, countries of the Energy Community and the countries of the Caspian and Black Sea. The website: http://www.rec.org/, has been created to harness the collective knowledge of platform members engaged in the region, and to connect members to resources and communities of practice from around the world. The website features country profiles, news of working group activities, and a resource section that will be regularly updated with case studies, research and guidance for policy makers and practitioners.

REC is acting as secretariat for the LEDS EEP, with funding from the United States Agency for International Development.
