December 22, 2017

Meeting with LEDS Steering Committee and Representatives of USAID Georgian Office

Meeting with LEDS Steering Committee and Representatives of USAID Georgian Office

On February 23, 2017 Winrock International organized an extended meeting of LEDS (Low Emission Development Strategy)  Steering Committee at the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resource Protection. The Minister, Mr. Gigla Abulashvili opened the meeting. The Deputy Minister, Mrs. Eka Grigalava, the Head of Climate Change Office, representatives of other offices/departments as well as other ministries and civil society organizations attended the meeting.

Representatives of Remissia presented the work that has been done so far by Remissia and also next steps. More precisely, Ana Sikharulidze presented the main findings of the work conducted during elaboration of so-called energy sector chapters of LEDS (energy, transport, buildings and industry). She also presented the work that has been conducted for elaboration of waste sector chapter of LEDS – inventory results and first version of BAU scenario.

Marina Shvangiradze presented the main assumptions regarding firewood consumption  for elaboration of LULUCF chapter. She also preseted the scheme of the concept for LEDS Measring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) with detailed description of main steps, processes and players.

On February 24 Winrock International organized the information meeting for the representatives of US Agency of International Development (USAID) Tbilisi office. Ana Sikharulidze presented the work conducted by Remissia, main findings and next steps.

Both meetings were organized in the framework of the project “Enhancing Capacities for Low Emission Development Strategy”.
