National Validation Workshop On Action Plan, Methodology and Outline for Feasibility Study of Integrated Pastureland and Livestock Development in Georgia

National Validation Workshop On Action Plan, Methodology and Outline for Feasibility Study of Integrated Pastureland and Livestock Development in Georgia
More than 50 stakeholders gathered on May 24th to discuss and agree on Action Plan, Methodology and Outline for Feasibility Study of Integrated Pastureland and Livestock Development in Georgia . Workshop participants also discussed the economic/cost-benefit analyses (incl. current and alternative future scenarios).
✅ Feasibility Study has to be completed by the end of 2021 and currently is being conducted within the framework of IFAD funded “Diary Improvement, Modernization, Market Access” (DiMMA) Programme by the Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus) through its ad-hoc group of experts.
✅ Feasibility Study complements development of National Pastureland Management Policy Document (NPMPD) that will be further used for drafting of new national legislation to provide legal mechanism for systemic regulation of all aspects related to pasture management (including protection, use and restoration of pasturelands).
✅ In turn, development of the NPMPD has been started since second half of 2020 within the framework of the GEF funded Project ”Achieving Land Degradation Neutrality Targets of Georgia through Restoration and Sustainable Management of Degraded Pasturelands in Georgia ”. Project implementation period covers 3 years – 2020-2023 and is implemented jointly by the MEPA and the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) through the Project Operational Partner – REC Caucasus.
✅ Consequently, the planned Feasibility Study conducted in parallel or before completion of the NPMPD will serve as value added basis for economic assessment and justification of conceivable and possible national priorities to be identified under the NPMPD.