National Waste Management Strategy 2016-2030 and Action Plan 2022-2026 presented to stakeholders

National Waste Management Strategy 2016-2030 and Action Plan 2022-2026 presented to stakeholders

The National Waste Management Strategy 2016-2030 and Action Plan 2022-2026 developed by REC Caucasus in cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) with the support of EU-funded EU4 Environment regional programme was presented to international donors and important stakeholders on December 13th, 2022.

Up to 40 participants gathered to discuss the harmonisation of foreign aid in accordance with the priorities of the revised National Waste Management Strategy 2016-2030 and Action Plan 2022-2026, ensuring coordination and avoiding overlap between the domains of donor assistance and further development of the existing cooperation and tailored fundraising.

Deputy Head of the Waste and Chemicals Management Department at the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, Irma Gurguliani, presented the revised National Waste Management Strategy 2016-2030 and National Waste Management Action Plan 2022-2026, highlighting the priority areas where donor support is especially required.

Prepared in consultation with regional authorities, industry associations, Civil Society Organisations and others, National Waste Management Action Plan 2022-2026 is embracing relevant measures to be taken for the implementation of the highest level in the waste management hierarchy, such as:

  • Improvement of legislation and its full harmonisation with the EU regulations;
  • Full provision of municipal waste collection service for all settlements;
  • Implementation of separate collection system for municipal household waste;
  • Arrangement of new landfills in compliance with international standards;
  • Creation of construction and demolition waste collection and processing systems;
  • Development of stronger capacities for hazardous waste management;
  • Promotion of plastic waste prevention and treatment measures;
  • Creation and implementation of biodegradable waste collection and processing systems;
  • Promotion of modern waste recycling technologies.
The Action Plan is funded by the European Union and implemented by five partner organisations: OECD, UNECE, UNEP, UNIDO and the World Bank.