REC Caucasus Develops Plan To Establish Sustainable Land Use Practices In Rural Areas

REC Caucasus Develops Plan To Establish Sustainable Land Use Practices In Rural Areas

On June 14, at the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection, Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (RECC) organized workshop on development of windbreaks management policy framework within the frames of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and United Nations Environment Programme funded project: “Applying Landscape and Sustainable Land Management (L-SLM) for mitigating land degradation and contributing to poverty reduction in rural areas”.

The meeting was attended by the Deputy Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Protection – Ms. Ekaterine Grigalava, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Georgia – Mr. Giorgi Chkeidze and the representatives of Agrarian Committee and German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ).

The attendees were welcomed by Ms. Grigalava, who discussed the policy document prepared for windbreaks rehabilitation and maintaining its sustainability.

During the meeting, participants agreed that the experts would consult with separate agencies and subsequently present the final version of the document.
