REC Caucasus Organizes Validation Workshop Within the Frames of the Project “Upscaling Global Forest Watch in Caucasus Region

REC Caucasus Organizes Validation Workshop Within the Frames of the Project “Upscaling Global Forest Watch in Caucasus Region

On February 21, validation workshop of proposal preparation phase of Global Environmental Facility (GEF) funded project “Upscaling Global Forest Watch in Caucasus Region” was held at the Environmental Information and Education Centre. The meeting was opened by the Deputy Minister of Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture – Mr. Iuri Nozadze, who highlighted the importance of the project in terms of sharing Georgia’s forest sector experience with Armenian and Azerbaijan colleagues.

Implementing agency of the project is UN Environment and executing partners are Word Resources Institute (WRI) and REC Caucasus (RECC). The project includes all three South Caucasus countries and its budget is 1 million USD.

The main objective of the workshop was to discuss the expected results of the project as well as planned actions with the main stakeholders and beneficiaries.

Within the frames of the project, the assessment of forest restoration opportunities and  mapping by using the best international practices will be implemented in Georgia. The project will also support the fulfillment of sustainable development goals in the country as well as achieving Agenda 2030 tasks.
