On Tuesday, October 9, 2018, in Luxembourg, RECC’s Executive Director – Ms. Malak Shukurova has participated in 2nd Eastern Partnership (EaP) Ministerial meeting on Environment and Climate Change.
During her speech, Ms. Shukurova thanked EU on the behalf of RECC for the great support provided. She has highlighted that REC Caucasus’ focus is strongly committed to maximize resource value, while minimizing environmental impact so that both our economy and our environment can thrive. Ms. Shukurova has also shared the experience of REC Caucasus’ cooperation with business sector, municipalities and the communities to manage waste sustainability and reduce waste at each stage from collection to disposal.
“We share the position about the need to strengthen environmental governance and monitoring, enhancing environmental institutions, strengthening the capacity of the institutions and necessity for macro-economic reforms to improve fiscal and economic instruments for promoting green economy on practical level.” – stated Ms. Shukurova.