RECC-EU Monitoring Mission to Racha, Georgia

RECC-EU Monitoring Mission to Racha, Georgia

On 6-7 June, 2012, REC Caucasus team organized field visit in the framework of EU-funded project “Fostering Community Forest Policy and Practice in Mountain Regions of the South Caucasus”, and Eurasia Foundation funded project on “Introduction of Sustainable use of Natural Resources in Local Communities and Increase their Preparedness against Natural Disasters”.

The trip was attended by the Deputy Executive Director of REC Caucasus – Ms. Nune Harutyunyan, Project Team Leader – Mr. Paata Torchinava, Project Expert – Mr. Nikoloz Burduli, representatives of EU Delegation to Georgia – Mr. Michel Jambou – Program Manager and Mr. Tihomir Georgiev – Head of Finance and Contracts Section, and Mr. Tengiz Metreveli, representative of “NERGEBI” LTD responsible for implemeting landscape/forest restoration activities in three villages of Ghebi, Glola and Chiora. Eurasia Foundation was presented by Ms. Leila Bagaeva and Nino Sutidze.

The overall goal of the visit was to make concluding assessment of pilot reforested areas where reforestation activities are being finalized. RECC team in cooperation with EU conducted monitoring and met with representatives of local government and communities, including a meeting with representatives of local units of forest agency at Oni municipality during the first day of the visit. RECC team made presentation of the work and results of the project.

Publications printed within the projects, including National Guidelines, Community Forest Management Plans, as well as a Map of Distribution of Natural Geological processes and areas of Ecosystems restoration for the villages, Ghebi, Chiora and Glola of the Oni Municipality, were distributed to respective community representatives and local stakeholders.

Visits to forest restoration areas took place during the second day, including in the villages of Gebi, Glora and Chiora, with the scheduled meeting with Mr. Alexandre Kvatadze, Deputy Governor of Racha Region in Administration building of Racha Government.

The trip was finalized with certificate awards of the most active members of community who supported landscape restoration/afforestation activities in Racha.

As a result, after natural restoration activities, 2 species of trees were planted, including lime-tree and maple. Within both projects, natural restoration of overall 66 ha territory was supported, as well as 3.3 ha area totally reforested. After conducting on-field monitoring, visitors assessed the project implementation and outcomes as very fruitful and praised local communities for their active contribution.On 6-7 June, 2012, REC Caucasus team organized field visit in the framework of EU-funded project “Fostering Community Forest Policy and Practice in Mountain Regions of the South Caucasus”, and Eurasia Foundation funded project on “Introduction of Sustainable use of Natural Resources in Local Communities and Increase their Preparedness against Natural Disasters”.

The trip was attended by the Deputy Executive Director of REC Caucasus – Ms. Nune Harutyunyan, Project Team Leader – Mr. Paata Torchinava, Project Expert – Mr. Nikoloz Burduli, representatives of EU Delegation to Georgia – Mr. Michel Jambou – Contractor Agent and Mr. Tihomir Georgiev – Head of Finance and Contracts Section, and Mr. Tengiz Metreveli,  representative of “NERGEBI” LTD responsible for implemeting landscape/forest restoration activities in three villages of Ghebi, Glola and Chiora. Eurasia Foundation was presented by Ms. Leila Bagaeva and Nino Sutidze.

The overall goal of the visit was to make concluding assessment of pilot reforested areas where reforestation activities are being finalized. RECC team  in cooperation with EU conducted monitoring and met with representatives of local government and communities, including a meeting with representatives of local units of forest agency at Oni municipality during the first day of the visit. RECC team made presentation of the work and results of the project.

Publications printed within the projects, including National Guidelines, Community Forest Management Plans, as well as a Map of Distribution of Natural Geological processes and areas of Ecosystems restoration for the villages, Ghebi, Chiora and Glola of the Oni Municipality, were distributed to respective community representatives and local stakeholders.

Visits to forest restoration areas took place during the second day, including in the villages of Gebi, Glora and Chiora, with the scheduled meeting with Mr. Alexandre Kvatadze, Deputy Governor of Racha Region in Administration building of Racha Government.

The trip was finalized with certificate awards of the most active members of community who supported landscape restoration/afforestation activities in Racha.

As a result, after natural restoration activities, 2 species of trees were planted, including lime-tree and maple. Within both projects, natural restoration of overall 66 ha territory was supported, as well as 3.3 ha area totally reforested. After conducting on-field monitoring, visitors assessed the project implementation and outcomes as very fruitful and praised local communities for their active contribution.
