RECC’s New Strategic Vision 2030 Towards Green Growth in South Caucasus Countries

RECC’s New Strategic Vision 2030 Towards Green Growth in South Caucasus Countries

From November 6-9, 2018, at Paragraph Hotel, Shekvetili, The Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus with the support of Integrated Biodiversity Management, South Caucasus (IBiS) Programme, organized workshop “Regional Strategy of REC Caucasus 2020-2015”.

The aim of the workshop was to support RECC to improve positioning in the region and define and validate priorities, RECC’s new visioning, objectives and priority directions at regional and country level, and to develop a new strategy to improve working dynamics and vision of organization for the years of 2019-2025.

The workshop participants came from diverse backgrounds, which included the representatives of the Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, as well as representatives of donor organizations, such as EC Delegation to Georgia, GIZ and IFAD.

During workshop, RECC’s staff from all three countries of South Caucasus, undertook SWOT analysis of the organization and elaborated recommendations on how to build strengths and address the weaknesses.

RECC’s new strategic action steps defined to create the vision and drive change towards green growth in South Caucasus countries based on environmental stability, delivering progress and human well-being.
