RERAM “Bridging Gaps between R2I (Research to Innovation) in Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials”

RERAM “Bridging Gaps between R2I (Research to Innovation) in Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials”

On 19th of April of 2016, In the conference room of the Environmental Information and Education Centre, REC Caucasus held a conference on RERAM “Bridging Gaps between R2I (Research to Innovation) in Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials”, in the capacity of results of research in the industry and implementation of recommendations.

The aim of the project is to improve resource efficiency in woodwork related industries in European Neighborhood Policy countries. RERAM project is uniting 11 partnering organizations in – Germany, Austria, Belgium, and Poland (EU members) as well as Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia (ENP Countries).

RERAM is concentrated on small and medium woodworking enterprises, that in general as well as in case of individual workers have nonefective use of raw materials. The companies will see benefit from educational efficiency inspections, training activities, subsiquently the general awareness will improve in the companies which will result in a demonstrational practice examples in sustainable use of raw materials. Wide public awareness and cooperation in ENP countries will further advance the inner growth potential in the field of wood resources. Resource effiecency is alwase important for companies as well as the Environment.

Within the framework of the project, foreign experts arrived in Georgia and assessed under 20 companies on efficient use of raw materials.

At the workshop, the members held a number of presentations in which they discussed their findings and comments, after which there was a free discussion on some of the problems and necessities as well as what progress had be made as a result of the former recommendations. Further steps and measures were planned at the end of the meeting as well as a reach of understanding for further cooperation between the companies for assurance of resource and energy efficiency as well as cooperation with the Austrian side for a potential field trip of Georgian manufactures to Austria for an educational trip to factories.

