October 31, 2012

The 1st Georgian Channel broadcasts RECC activities

The 1st Georgian Channel broadcasts RECC activities

During October 25-27 within the EU funded project ”Fostering Community Forest Policy and Practice in Mountain Regions of the Caucasus” Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (RECC) held two day training and one day on-job training for the communities of Gebi, Chiora, Glola, of Oni Municipality. About 80 participants were trained based on the community forest management plans, specially developed for the three villages within the framework of this project.

The planting activity was broadcasted by the 1st Georgian Channel; the footage is avaliable on the following page: http://www.rec-caucasus.org/photoVideo.php?id=1314690928&lang=en

The overall objective of the project is fostering community forest policy and practice to address the following problems:

  1.  deforestation and climate change issues
  2.  secured land tenure and forest community rights
  3.  rural poverty reduction
  4.  diminishing regional and national tensions and the risks of insurrections let by alienated elements among population
  5.  conservation and sustainable development of local communities

Community forest management

The management plans include 10-years action plan on sustainable forest utilization and covers the following topics:

  •       forest management (inventory, monitoring, harvesting, reforestation, protection)
  •       socio-economic aspects
  •       consumption  of non-timber resources
  •       usage  recreational potential.

The project is regional and similar activities are held in Republic of Armenia, Azerbaijan Republic and Russian Federation.

                  Landscape Restoration Activities

Regional project“Support Development of Biodiversity Conservation Policies and Practices in Mountain Regions of the South Caucasus“, implemented by Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (RECC) with financial support of Government of Norway is currently underway in Oni Municipality of Racha Region.

Major goal of the project is to build capacity of local communities and authorities to address biodiversity loss in forest ecosystems of mountain regions of South Caucasus in order to improve participatory biodiversity management. Jointly with EU funded project ”Fostering Community Forest Policy and Practice in Mountain Regions of the Caucasus”  is carrying out reforestation activities in Ghebi community.

Representatives of Ghebi Community proposed initiative to cultivate nut-trees on the adjacent area of the village. Mentioned initiative was shared and supported by the representatives of local authorities. As a result 2000 walnuts seedlings (from 3 to 5 yaer) are being planted on three plots (5 ha in total) in surrounding areas of Ghebi community. Villagers  from the community actively participate in planting activities. At the same time they have been provided with suitable practical skills and knowledge on planting and maintain activities of wallnuts seedlings, as a follow up activity. It should been mentioned that nut-tree (Juglans regia) is included in the Red List of Georgia as vulnerable species.
