September 22, 2021

USFS and REC Caucasus’ Joint Effort in Developing Sustainable Pasture Management Policy

USFS and REC Caucasus’ Joint Effort in Developing Sustainable Pasture Management Policy
🌱 Pasture Management in Georgia – United States Forest Service (USFS) and REC Caucasus’ Joint Effort in Developing Sustainable Pasture Management Policy
🟩 USFS and REC Caucasus held the first joint online conference on Pasturelands Sustainable Management Policy Development on September 21st. The conference was the first in a series of meetings organized within the USFS funded project „Pasture Management in Georgia“. The conference had approximately 40 attendees, including a wide range of national stakeholders and representatives of international organizations.
🟩 The session centered on the US experience in sustainable pastureland management as well as rangeland classification methods and various ownership types.
🟩 The project will facilitate pasture management policy development process in Georgia through enhancement of national level policy dialogue and capacity building in sustainable management policy making. The project encompasses the development of guiding documents and training modules, related to the pasture policy and management at national and local levels.