Achieving Land Degradation Neutrality Targets of Georgia through Restoration and Sustainable Management of Degraded Pasturelands

Achieving Land Degradation Neutrality Targets of Georgia through Restoration and Sustainable Management of Degraded Pasturelands

Project Title – Achieving Land Degradation Neutrality Targets of Georgia through Restoration and Sustainable Management of Degraded Pasturelands

location – Georgia

Donor – GEF

Dates – 2020-2024

Objectives –

Support the national efforts to implement LDN targets of Georgia through restoration and sustainable management of the degraded pasturelands (National Targets 1 and 4). Objective will be achieved through three Components:

Component 1: Strengthening the regulatory and institutional framework for sustainable management of pasturelands in Georgia

Component 2: Demonstration of sustainable pastureland management practices and scaling up successful approaches

Component 3: Capacity building of the key stakeholders on sustainable management of pasturelands and achieving land degradation neutrality

Component 4: Effective Knowledge Management through RBM, monitoring and evaluation
