Central Georgia Solid Waste – Feasibility Study

Central Georgia Solid Waste – Feasibility Study

Project Title – Central Georgia Solid Waste – Feasibility Study

location – Georgia

Donor – - EBRD/KfW

Dates – 2019

Project Title – Central Georgia Solid Waste – Feasibility Study

Location – Georgia

Donor – EBRD/KfW

Dates – 2019

Objectives – The overall aim of the FS is to verify whether a bankable project meeting the objectives specified below can be prepared, and prepare such a project to achieve these objectives. This Project will be based on an effective least-cost versus highest impact (cost-benefit) investment programme.

The investment plan will be justified on the basis of thorough technical, legislative, financial, environmental and economic analysis. Furthermore, the Consultant will develop an efficient Project Implementation Plan, including procurement schedule, and carry out an assessment of the resource efficiency opportunities (including energy efficiency and renewable energy potential and the impact on GHG emissions) and environmental and social impacts of the investment programme.

The specific objectives of the project are:

•    Analysis of present situation, problem analysis and definition of  project objectives
•    Development of integrated solid waste management concept
•    Selection of appropriate sites for treatment plants, sanitary landfill and transfer stations governance
