Develop a guideline and checklist to include Biodiversity into Environmental Impact Assessment for Hydro Power Plants

Develop a guideline and checklist to include Biodiversity into Environmental Impact Assessment for Hydro Power Plants

Project Title – Develop a guideline and checklist to include Biodiversity into Environmental Impact Assessment for Hydro Power Plants

location – Georgia

Donor – European Commission


Dates – 2018-2019

Project Title – “Develop a guideline and checklist to include Biodiversity into Environmental Impact Assessment for Hydro Power Plants”

Location – Georgia

Donor – European Commission


Dates – 2018-2019


The overall objective of the assignment is to develop guideline and checklist to include Biodiversity into Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Hydro Power Plants (HPP) in accordance to current Georgian legislation, best international practice and Georgian country specifics.

Specific Objectives:

  • Development of biodiversity specific guidelines for undertaking EIA for HPPs
  • Development of biodiversity checklists for MoEPA staff to evaluate submitted EIA reports.
  • Practical trainings (At least 3 training days for 20 MoEPA staff) on the prepared guideline and checklist;
  • Support to Department of Environmental Supervision on technical aspects of checklist usage (develop software, provide trainings on usage);