Generating economic and environmental benefits from sustainable land management for vulnerable rural communities of Georgia

Generating economic and environmental benefits from sustainable land management for vulnerable rural communities of Georgia

Project Title – Generating economic and environmental benefits from sustainable land management for vulnerable rural communities of Georgia

location – Georgia (Sagarejo, Kvareli, Kareli and Gori Municipalities)

Donor – GEF

Client – UN Environment

Dates – 04/2018-04/2021

Project Title – “Generating economic and environmental benefits from sustainable land management for vulnerable rural communities of Georgia”

Location  Georgia (Sagarejo, Kvareli, Kareli and Gori Municipalities)

Donor – GEF

Client – UN Environment

Dates – 04/2018-04/2021

Objectives – To develop and strengthen sustainable land management (SLM) practices and build capacity at municipal scale for their application for the protection of natural capital in Georgia

Specific Objectives:

  • Creating an enabling environment at municipal scale (focusing on municipalities of Sagarejo, Kvareli, Kareli and Gori) for achieving Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Country Voluntary target;
  • Pilot implementation of measures avoiding degradation, intensifying sustainable land management practices and land rehabilitation to improve ecosystem functions and services
  • Knowledge Management and Capacity Building

