Legal Analysis to assess the impact of laws, policies and institutional frameworks on Community Conserved Territories and Areas

Legal Analysis to assess the impact of laws, policies and institutional frameworks on Community Conserved Territories and Areas

Project Title – Legal Analysis to assess the impact of laws, policies and institutional frameworks on Community Conserved Territories and Areas

location – Georgia

Donor – GEF

Client – SGP/UNDP

Dates – 01.12.2017-31/12/2018

Project Title – “Legal Analysis to assess the impact of laws, policies and institutional frameworks on Community Conserved Territories and Areas”

Location – Georgia

Donor – GEF

Client – SGP/UNDP

Dates – 01.12.2017-31/12/2018

Objectives – The overall aim of the assignment is to assess at the national level the impact of laws, policies and institutional frameworks on CCAsin Georgia; and come up with appropriate recommendations and strategies for reforms to improve the recognition and support to CCAs.

Specific Objectives:

  • Identification of the legislation gaps and necessities regarding legal status and management of areas managed by local communities in Georgia
  • Elaboration of legal analyses report/recommendations
  • Agreed findings and recommendations with the key national and local stakeholders about potential status and major challenges regarding CCAs
  • Investigation of the ethnographic peculiarities and modern problems of areas managed by local communities in Georgia