Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy of Georgia

Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy of Georgia

Project Title – Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy of Georgia

Donor – EU/UNDP

Dates – 2020-2021

Location – Georgia

Objectives – Project Objective is to develop a mid-century (gender-sensitive) low-emission development strategy of Georgia aimed to support Georgia to fulfil the commitment of Paris Agreement on climate change, help in environmentally sound long-term planning in the following sectors, Energy, Buildings, Industry, Transport, Agriculture, Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry, Waste.

Expected Results:

  • Define scope, structure, vision and work plan for the LT-LEDS of Georgia
  • Develop Baseline and Low-emission Development Pathways for Selected Sectors through Qualitative and Quantitative Assessments
  • Determining the Prioritized Mitigation Actions/Measures in the Different Sector