Preparing Integrated Solutions for Livable Cities (TA Report GEO 53114-001)

Preparing Integrated Solutions for Livable Cities (TA Report GEO 53114-001)

Project Title – Preparing Integrated Solutions for Livable Cities (TA Report GEO 53114-001)

location – Georgia

Donor – ADB

Client – MRDI

Dates – 2019-2022

Project Title – Preparing Integrated Solutions for Livable Cities (TA Report GEO 53114-001)

Location – Georgia

Donor – ADB

Client: MRDI

Dates – 2019-2022

Objectives – The transaction technical assistance facility (TA facility) will support project preparation to ensuing urban development and water investment projects, comprising Livable Cities Investment Program and Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) Service Improvement Project, included in the country operations business plan (COBP) 2019–2021 for Georgia.
It will further assist implementation and capacity development to ongoing projects.

The investment plan will be justified on the basis of thorough technical, legislative, financial, environmental and economic analysis. Furthermore, the Consultant will develop an efficient Project Implementation Plan, including procurement schedule, and carry out an assessment of the resource efficiency opportunities (including energy efficiency and renewable energy potential and the impact on GHG emissions) and environmental and social impacts of the investment programme.

The TA will have 3 outputs:

feasibility study on ensuing project prepared (output 1);

(ii) project management and urban service
delivery capacity strengthened (output 2); and

(iii) compliance and contractual disputes reduced (output 3).
