Tender for GiS companies

Regional Environmental Centre for Caucasus Announces the Tender for GiS companies in the frames of Project Applying Landscape and Sustainable Land Management (L-SLM) for  mitigating Land Degradation and Contributing to Poverty Reduction in Rural Areas

Regional Environmental Centre for Caucasus, executing the project “Applying Landscape and Sustainable Land Management (L-SLM) for Mitigating Land Degradation and Contributing to Poverty Reduction in Rural Areas”, announces the tender for GiS companies to execute the tasks assigned in the project document (annex E):

– Organizing, linking and processing the existing spatial and attributive data of existed soil information system;

– Modernization of the existing information system; development of data viewing, editing, querying and reporting modules;

– Migrating data into the updated databases. Testing and implementing the updated information system; development of system documentation and conducting training;

– Elaboration of the land degradation e-atlas, GiS mapping.

ToR is attached in English annexed with more detailed specifications in Georgian.

Deadline for submission the proposals is July 28, 2017 until 17:00.

The implementing company must have:

1.    Minimum five (5) years of experience in carrying out IT projects.

2.    Carried out minimum ten (10) GiS and customized software development projects.

3.    Team consisting of minimum five (5) members with at least five (5) years of working experience.

Applications should be sent to Ms Kety Tsereteli – Project Manager to the following E-Mail address: kety.tsereteli@rec-caucasus.org

Please, download ToR and Annex