The Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus) announces a vacancy for Communication Expert

REC Caucasus is executing the project “Generating Economic and Environmental Benefits from Sustainable Land Management for Vulnerable Rural Communities of Georgia”.

Overall objective of the project is to develop and strengthen sustainable land management (SLM) practices and build capacity at municipal scale for their application for the protection of natural capital in Georgia.

REC Caucasus announces vacancy for Communication Expert.

Other important detailsInterested applicants should submit a current CV to the following e-mail address: with copy to Project Assistant:  or submit hard copy application package to the following address: 13, BadriShoshitaishvli Street, 0179 Tbilisi, Georgia.

Deadline for application is 11 May, 2018. Only shortlisted candidates will be interviewed.





Project Title:                     Generating Economic and Environmental Benefits from Sustainable Land Management for Vulnerable Rural Communities of Georgia


Executing Agency:           The Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus)


Implementing Agency:     United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)


Organisational Unit:         Sustainable Management of Natural Resources


                                                 Post Title:                         Communication Expert


Contract type:                   Service Agreement


Starting Date:                   1 June, 2018


Duration:                          1 year (1 June, 2018 – 31 May, 2019)


Duty Station:                    Tbilisi, Georgia









Land resources are the foundation for food security, sustainable livelihoods and economic growth in Georgia. Georgia has shown clear drive to combat land degradation and improve land management systems by moving forward with a number of baseline activities, including its accession and implementation of relevant international agreements and adoption of related policies and laws, including the NEAP, INDC, NBSAP, NAP of UNCCD, TNC of UNFCCC, a new agricultural strategy and a new national forest policy. To achieve the global vision of zero net loss of healthy and productive land, measures and action on the ground are needed. Georgia is one of 100 countries that committed to define national LDN targets and an implementation strategy. In a first step, land degradation hot spots and main degradation causes had been identified. Land degradation in Georgia can be characterized by the following aspects:


  • Loss of natural vegetation and soil quality caused by overgrazing;
  • Loss of agricultural productivity and soil due to inappropriate farming techniques;
  • Reduction of area and quality of forests due to illegal extraction and inappropriate forest management;
  • Loss of productive land due to urbanization and conversion into non-agricultural areas.


The process of setting up national targets and an implementation strategy for LDN in the frame of a so called ´National Target Setting Program´ (TSP) started in Georgia in 2016. Cross-sectoral meetings yielded in a set of national LDN targets, which were submitted to the UNCCD Secretary by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia in September 2017.


The solution to the barriers identified above is the development of new sustainable land management systems at both the commune and farmer plot level that integrate climate smart agricultural production, food security and resilience and thereby contribute to Georgia’s objectives for Land Degradation Neutrality. The introduced management systems should lead to increasing levels of production and productivity while also maintaining the ecological integrity of the land; respect land and resource carrying capacities and also improve land and resource conditions; and be both integrated (encompassing agriculture, forestry, water and livestock management) and adaptive (structured to adapt to evolving challenges, including climate change). The above-mentioned factors underline the critical importance of promoting better coordination of sustainable land management across different sectors on the basis of solid data, of improving the country’s existing policy and financing framework related to the management of land resources, and of strengthening the capacity and skills of national and local government institutions and other stakeholders to undertake SLM approaches, in order to overcome existing barriers to mainstreaming Landscape and Sustainable Land Management (L-SLM)



The overall objective of the project is to develop and strengthen SLM practices and build capacity for their application for the protection of natural capital in Georgia.



Project Component:

1.  Creating an enabling environment at municipal scale for achieving Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Country Voluntary target;

2.  Pilot implementation of measures avoiding degradation, intensifying sustainable land management practices and land rehabilitation to improve ecosystem functions and services;

3.  Knowledge Management and Capacity Building;






Project and programme implementation:


  • Managing internal communications (memos, newsletters etc.)
  • Liaise with media and handle requests for interviews, statements etc.
  • Preparation of content for project information brochure;
  • Provide support  in liaising with Governmental entities and other stakeholders on consultations related to the programme outcomes;
  • Support in organization of local and regional seminars and conferences, conduction of meetings with national experts, local self-government bodies and local population
  • Networking with mass media, preparation of promotional material and dissemination of publications and information on project activities





  • Preparation and distribution of the minutes and follow-up recommendations of the seminars, conferences and meetings
  • Update and edit materials about the project for REC Caucasus web-site in co-operation with REC staff and information officer
  • Provide assistance in  communication with stakeholders, ensure regular updates and smooth information flow among stakeholders on project activities
  • Translate necessary project related documentation.




–          Good analytical and managerial skills, ability to express ideas clearly and concisely both orally and in writing;

–          Ability to establish and maintain working relations in a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic environment with sensitivity and respect to diversity;

–          Ability to work in multicultural environment and under pressure.

–          Ability to plan and manage tasks independently;

–          Ability and willingness to work independently;

–          Good interpersonal and communication skills;

–          Fully experienced with computer software and other office equipment;

–          Fluency Georgia and English languages;

–          Ability to travel locally.