Vacancy of expert to develop the gender mainstreaming aspects in SaLaMi Georgia project, within the GEF funded project #5825

REC Caucasus within the GEF funded project “Applying Landscape and Sustainable Land Management (L-SLM) for mitigating land degradation and contributing to poverty reduction in rural areas” announces the vacancy for executing the short-term task of expert to develop gender mainstreaming aspects in SaLaMi Georgia project.

Interested applicants should submit a current CV and cover letter explaining their motivation to the attention of Ms. Sophiko Akhobadze, Director of REC Caucasus to the following e-mail address: with copy to Project manager:  or submit hard copy application package to the following address:

76c, Ilia Chavchavadze Ave (Mikheil Meskhi Stadium area), 0162 Tbilisi, Georgia

Deadline for application is June 7, 2017. Only shortlisted candidates will be interviewed.

ToR for the position